The long-awaited (and also feared) Christmas meals have arrived. How to surprise your guests on such important dates? We propose 10 very simple starters in which cooking does not become a real ordeal.

Vegetable chips
To make vegetable chips, first we must preheat the oven to 60º with heat from top to bottom. If the oven has a fan function, we will add it as well. While we preheat the oven, with a mandoline, we cut the vegetables into very thin slices, leaving the skin on. Next, we will place them on a baking tray with its corresponding paper. They will be in the oven for 5 hours until crispy.
Iberian ham and hard-boiled egg croquettes
Its preparation is very simple; You will have to cut the onion into very small cubes and begin to brown them in the pan. Once they take color, we will add a couple of tablespoons of wheat flour. We will stir it with the onion and prevent it from burning. Once the dough is homogeneous, we will add a couple of glasses of milk. Next, we will stir it with the whisk until we obtain a delicious bechamel. Finally, we will add the ham and egg tacos to that mixture and let it rest. Once cold we will shape it, add the egg and breadcrumbs and fry it.
Peppers stuffed with meat
First of all, you will have to go to the nearest supermarket and buy a jar of piquillo peppers. Cut the onion into small pieces and brown it. Next, you should add the minced meat until you see that it is done. You will stuff all the peppers with this delicious meat. Additionally, with an electric mixer, mix the cream and the broken piquillo peppers and grind them. Once the stuffed peppers are placed on the tray, we will add the sauce and put it in the oven for 15 minutes at 180º.
Spiced and baked nuts
First of all, we must preheat the oven to 170ºC and prepare a baking dish. We will mix the nuts in a bowl. We will heat the butter in a pan and once melted you will mix it with the honey, sugar, thyme, rosemary, cinnamon and ginger. We will add and mix the liquid and spices with the nuts. Finally, they will be placed on the baking tray and baked for 30 minutes.
Iberian secret skewers
We heat the grill or frying pan for several minutes, without oil. We turn it over once the three minutes have passed, cooking on the other side. Next we will add the salt on the side that is already golden. Next, it will be given a new turn, covering the surface with two teaspoons of sugar. Finally, with a blowtorch we will caramelize the pieces of Iberian secret.
Chicken skewers with paprika
It is essential that a prior marinade be carried out, mixing the olive oil with the lemon, sweet paprika, cumin, thyme or granulated garlic. We will cut the chicken into tacos and they will be mixed and added with the marinade. Once a couple of hours have passed, we will pass it through the pan and brown it.
Glasses of watermelon gazpacho
We are faced with one of the simplest recipes. In a blender, mix 1 kg of tomatoes, add a piece of onion, a clove of garlic, a piece of green pepper and a piece of watermelon. Once everything is crushed we will obtain a delicious liquid starter with great flavor.
fruit tartar
Imagination to the power. Add your favorite fruits and cut them into small, tiny pieces, like any meat tartar. Once it is ready, we will add a delicious vinaigrette and mix everything. We will serve it in mini bowls ideal for all types of diners.
Gruyere cheese fritters
First we must prepare the dough, heating milk, butter and water in a saucepan. Once it comes to a boil, we will add the flour and mix until we obtain a dense dough. We add an egg and a little salt and let it cool. While we heat the oven to 225ºC, we will add the grated cheese to the dough and add another egg. Once we have the dense dough, we will make balls and place them on the baking tray. It should remain for 15 min.
Salmorejo glasses
Its delicious flavor will delight all the guests at your celebration or Christmas meal.
Do you want to surprise your family and friends? Sabor a España is your reference gourmet products store. Come to our establishments to learn more information about everything we can offer you. Because now is the time to prepare and plan your Christmas meal.