What ingredients do you need to make fig bread?
The recipe for fig bread, like the traditions, have been passed down from generation to generation to cooks and pastry chefs. Do you want to surprise your guests? These are the ingredients to make your first fig bread successfully and (of course) delicious.
- 500 g dried figs
- 100 g toasted almonds
- 50 g walnuts
- 100g flour
- Half a glass of milk
- 1 teaspoon sesame
- 1 ground clove
- 2 tablespoons of honey
- 50 g extra virgin olive oil
- Cup of dried anise
Steps to follow to make fig bread
Do you know the properties of fig bread? We are faced with one of the healthiest products or desserts today. Making it from home is very simple, and takes about 30 minutes of preparation plus 30 minutes of cooking. To do this, you must follow the steps indicated below:
- Before starting, you must set aside 6 almonds and a piece of walnut, as it will be used for decoration.
- Take your dried figs, clean them and remove the stems. Next, you chop them.
- Chop the almonds and walnuts in a bowl. Once chopped, you must add the flour, ground cloves and sesame to the bowl. You mix it all up. Next we will add the honey dissolved in the milk and the dry anise. We mix again.
- Choose a mold and spread it with the oil.
- Add the mixture to said mold and cover it with a piece of aluminum foil.
- Bake for 30 minutes at 160ºC.
- Once finished, let it cool and unmold.
- We decorate the fig bread with the almonds and walnuts that we left aside at the beginning of the recipe.
- We wrap it in cellophane paper so that it does not harden.
- Cut and enjoy this delicious delicacy.
Making a dish worthy of your guests can be easier than you might expect. Isn’t cooking one of your greatest strengths? Don’t worry. At Sabor a España we have the best quality fig bread. From the workshop to your table. Check and visit our stores.