

How is Cádiz bread made?

To make Cádiz bread, it is important to divide the preparation into four different parts: first, the marzipan will be cooked, then the yolk cream, then the sweet potato filling and, finally, the assembly of the bread will be carried out. from Cadiz.

Next, we will indicate what ingredients you need for the Cádiz bread recipe (for 2 servings):

For the marzipan:

  • 250g ground almond flour
  • 250g icing sugar
  • 2 eggs

For the yolk cream:

  • 100g sugar
  • 6 Eggs
  • 20ml of water

For the sweet potato filling:

  • 1 medium sweet potato
  • 50g icing sugar

Preparation steps:

To prepare the Bread of Cádiz, these are the steps to follow:

First step:

The recipe to make Cádiz bread begins with the preparation of marzipan. To do this, we will start by sifting the almond flour and mixing it with the powdered sugar. Once we have this mixture, we add 2 egg whites and knead until we get a homogeneous dough without lumps.

Then, we put the dough in a bowl and cover it with film. We will let it rest for two hours at room temperature.

Second step:

While the dough is resting, we will proceed with cooking the yolk cream that will fill our Cádiz bread. We will start by beating 6 egg yolks in a saucepan and reserve them for later use.

Third step:

Next, we will put 20ml of water in another container and add the sugar. With this mixture, we will make syrup until it reaches 110ºC to achieve the appropriate texture. When the syrup is ready, we will pour it over the yolks that we had reserved very little by little while we continue beating the mixture.

When we have achieved that the syrup is completely integrated, we will put the saucepan on the heat while we continue beating until the mixture thickens. It is important that the cream does not boil. When it is ready, we will put the cream in a bowl and also cover it with film so that it cools.

Fourth step:

In this step, we will be in charge of preparing the sweet potato filling. This preparation may be the simplest of the recipe. We will have to wash the sweet potato and roast it in the oven (with the skin) at 180ºC. We will check that the sweet potato is well roasted when it is very soft by piercing it with a toothpick or the tip of a knife.

When the sweet potato has cooled, it will have to be peeled and pureed by mixing it with the powdered sugar.

Fifth step:

Now is the time to continue with the assembly of the Bread of Cádiz. When the marzipan has rested for the corresponding two hours, we will put the dough between two sheets of baking paper (so that the dough does not stick) and we will stretch it with a rolling pin.

Next, we will need a rectangular mold that we will line with baking paper. We will cut a rectangle of marzipan that covers both the bottom and the sides of the mold. We must fill the mold by alternating layers of yolk cream, marzipan sheet, sweet potato filling, marzipan sheet, and so on consecutively until the mold is filled.

The final top layer should be marzipan and we should seal the edges very well. With a knife, we will mark the surface layer (without cutting it) making the characteristic lines of the Cádiz bread.

Sixth step:

Finally, we paint the top of the cake with beaten egg yolk. Preheat the oven to 200º with heat on the top and bottom. We will bake the sweet for 6 minutes and then switch to the grill function with which we will bake it again for 4 more minutes until it achieves that characteristic golden or toasted color.

Once this process is finished, we will let it cool completely before unmolding and it will be ready to serve.

Where to buy the best marzipan in Cádiz?

If you are traveling or passing through its native province, you can buy Cádiz bread in many establishments, since it is the typical sweet of this city.

However, we will reveal to you where to buy the best bread in Cádiz without a doubt. This is the traditional Spanish gastronomy products store Sabor a España located in Cádiz, located right in front of the Cathedral. Here you will find a wide variety of marzipans, among which Cádiz bread stands out as the main protagonist.