
Website: www.sabor-espana.com

Website owner: PALS E HIJOS IMPORT, S.L. with VAT number B-14877468, located at Diseminado Nacional 331,10, 14900 Lucena, Córdoba, Registered in the Mercantile Registry of Córdoba, Volume 2151, Folio 61, Sheet CO-29332, entry 1st. Contact phone number 957 84 62 94, email info@sabor-espana.com

Data Controller: PALS E HIJOS IMPORT, S.L.

Information: By accepting this Privacy Policy, the user (hereinafter, the “User” or, as applicable, the “Users”) is informed that the personal data provided through the website located at the URL https://www.sabor-espana.com/en/ (hereinafter, the “Website”), will be processed by SAE, as well as the data derived from the User’s navigation and any other data that the User may provide in the future.

The User must carefully read this Privacy Policy, which has been drafted in a clear and simple manner for ease of understanding, allowing the User to freely and voluntarily determine whether or not to provide their personal data to SAE.

Mandatory provision of data: The data requested in the forms on the Website are generally mandatory (unless otherwise specified in the required field) to fulfill the purposes for which they are being collected.

Therefore, if the data are not provided or are not provided correctly, the User’s requests cannot be attended to, without prejudice to the User’s ability to freely view certain contents of the Website.

For what purposes will we process your personal data and how long will we retain them?

The User’s personal data will be processed by SAE for the following purposes:

Responding to questions raised by the User through the contact channels provided: Managing, processing, and responding to the requests, inquiries, incidents, claims, or queries of the User made through the various communication channels made available to them.

The data will be kept for the time necessary to process and respond to your request and, once this period has ended, for the prescription period of the legal actions arising from said request.

Quality and satisfaction surveys: Conducting surveys of Users regarding the quality and satisfaction with the products or services provided by SAE.

The data will be kept for a period of 6 months.

Managing promotions

Managing the User’s participation in contests, draws, and other promotions, as well as managing the designation of winners and prize delivery.

The data will be kept until the prize is awarded and, once awarded, for the prescription period of the legal actions arising therefrom.

Sending commercial communications to the User: Sending commercial communications to the User about SAE brand products, by electronic and/or conventional means, provided that the User has not objected to this, by ticking the box provided for this purpose in the forms, when they have given their consent by ticking the box provided for this purpose in the contact forms or other forms available on the Website.

The data will be processed for this purpose until the User opposes the processing or revokes their consent.

Keeping the User informed about SAE’s news on their profiles on Social Networks: If the User follows SAE on their Social Network profiles, they will see the communications published by them. The User who does not wish to continue receiving communications from SAE on Social Networks must stop following their profiles.

The data will be processed for this purpose until the User stops following SAE’s profiles on Social Networks.

Compliance with legally established obligations: When the processing is necessary to comply with a legal obligation derived from Spanish law or European Union law that may be applicable to SAE (tax regulations, for example).

The data provided to comply with the obligations arising from the services offered will be kept for the periods established by law.

Managing the product purchase process: Managing the purchase process and processing the delivery of the products selected by the customer, as well as viewing the customer’s purchase history.

The data provided to manage the purchase process and order history will be kept for the duration of the contractual relationship. Once this period has expired, the data will be kept blocked for the prescription period of the legal actions that may arise from it.

What user data will SAE process?

SAE may process the following personal data of the User:

• Identifying data: name, surnames, and ID number.

• Contact information: email address, telephone number, and postal address

• Financial data: credit card number or alternative payment method used, as well as data necessary to complete the product purchase process

• Other data: any data that the User may provide or that may be legally required.

When the User provides data from third parties, they declare that they have the consent of those third parties and/or sufficient authorization, and undertake to transfer them the information contained in the Privacy Policy, exempting SAE from any liability in this regard.

However, SAE may carry out the necessary verifications to verify this fact, adopting the due diligence measures that correspond, in accordance with data protection regulations.

What is the legitimacy of the processing of the user’s data by SAE?

The processing of the User’s data by SAE is based on the fulfillment of the existing contract between the parties, as well as, where appropriate, compliance with legal obligations and the requested consent, which can be withdrawn at any time.

With which recipients will the user’s data be shared?

The User’s personal data may be communicated to:

  • Public Administrations, in cases provided for by law, based on compliance with a legal obligation.
  • Courts and Tribunals, in cases provided for by law, based on compliance with a legal obligation.
  • Companies assisting SAE in the purchase and delivery process of the products purchased by the customer based on the effective fulfillment of the contractual relationship.

Commercial and promotional communications.

One of the purposes for which SAE processes the personal data provided by Users is to send them commercial communications with information regarding products, offers, news, or newsletters, relevant to Users.

If the User wishes to stop receiving commercial or promotional communications from SAE, they can request to unsubscribe from the service by clicking on the link that will appear at the bottom of the commercial communications sent.

User responsibility.

The User guarantees that they are of legal age and that the data provided to SAE are true, accurate, complete, and up-to-date. For these purposes, the User is responsible for the veracity of all the data communicated and will keep the information provided appropriately updated to reflect their real situation.

Likewise, they guarantee that they have informed the third parties from whom they provide their data, if applicable, of the aspects contained in this document. Likewise, they guarantee that they have obtained their authorization to provide their data to SAE for the purposes indicated.

In any case, the User will be responsible for false or inaccurate information provided through the Website and for any direct or indirect damages and losses caused to SAE or third parties.

Exercise of rights.

As the data subject, the User can send a written request to SAE, to the address indicated in the header of this Privacy Policy, or by email to the address: info@sabor-espana.com, attaching a copy of an identifying document, at any time and free of charge, to exercise the following rights:

  • Right to request access to personal data relating to the data subject.
  • Right to request rectification or deletion.
  • Right to request the limitation of their treatment, revocation of consent, and total or partial opposition to treatment.
  • Right to data portability.

Likewise, they may contact the Spanish Data Protection Agency to obtain additional information about their rights or to file a complaint with it, especially when they have not obtained satisfaction in the exercise of their rights, obtaining all the necessary information for this through the website www.agpd.es

Security measures.

SAE will treat the User’s data at all times in an absolutely confidential manner and will keep the necessary duty of secrecy regarding them, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable regulations, adopting the technical and organizational measures necessary to guarantee the security of their data and prevent its alteration, loss, treatment, or unauthorized access, taking into account the state of the technology, the nature of the data stored, and the risks to which they are exposed.

Changes or modifications.

SAE reserves the right to revise its Privacy Policy at any time it deems appropriate. For this reason, we ask you to regularly check this privacy statement to read the most recent version of SAE’s Privacy Policy.

Acceptance and consent.

The User declares to have been informed of the conditions regarding the protection of personal data, accepting the content of this Privacy Policy.